
Top 9 Home Workout Exercises For Beginners

Top 9 Home Workout Exercises For Beginners

 You might have heard that you could lose weight and get into shape by exercising at home. Well, this is true! You don't need to join a gym or buy expensive equipment to work out. You can use a few basic household items to do a full-body workout of your own. There are 10 exercises that do an effective full-body workout for beginners and intermediate exercisers.

 I promise that if you follow these 10 workouts regularly you will see and feel a difference. They're all designed specifically for beginners, so if you're having trouble doing them, then don't worry. Just start with the easiest one, and then move on to the more challenging ones (one at a time).

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This is one of the best exercises for beginners because it works your core, arms, and legs. Start by lying on your stomach, then raise your hips up until they are perpendicular to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then lower yourself back down. Repeat five times.


This exercise builds strength in your abdominal muscles and improves balance, coordination, and agility in your legs and arms. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart with hands on hips. Jump up into the air, bringing both hands down to the ground at the same time before jumping up again into a squat position (you should be extending your arms as you land). The lower body backs down into a squat position before repeating the jump and landing movement again. Do 10 burpees per side for one set; do 20 burpees for two sets, or try putting together two sets of 10 burpees in one workout!

Squat jumps

They are a great way to boost your strength, speed, and power. Start in a squat position with feet shoulder-width apart. Jump up into the air, extending your arms as you land, and repeat for 10-15 repetitions per set.


Push up and down on the bars with your arms until you reach a 90-degree angle, then lower back to the starting position. If this is too difficult for you, try using a chair or bench to help you get into position. 5. Lunges Lunges are another great exercise for building your lower body strength and endurance. Start in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart; step forward with one leg and bend both knees at about 90 degrees so that your knee almost touches the ground (this should be equal for both sides).

Dips are another great exercise for your triceps and chest. Start with a bench or chair that is about knee height. Place your hands on either side of the seat, with your fingers facing forward. Bend your arms at the elbows so that they are pointing down towards the floor. Slowly lower yourself down by bending your arms until they are almost at 90 degrees; then push back up again (this will work for both triceps and chest, muscle groups). Do 10-15 repetitions per set if using only body weight, or try adding weights to increase the difficulty

Lunge jumps

 The lunge jump is a great way to improve your overall leg strength and power; it also works your core muscles and lower back. Stand with feet together, then take a large step forward with one leg (as if you were about to perform a regular lunge). Drop down on both knees while keeping your back straight and your head facing up toward the ceiling. Once in position, quickly push back up into starting position.


Push-ups are one of the most common bodyweight exercises you will see in any gym or fitness class. They will help improve strength in both the upper body as well as core muscles.

To perform push-ups, get into a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and directly under your shoulders. Your body should be straight from head to toe, then lower yourself down until your chest touches the floor. Pause for a moment before pushing back up into starting position.

Mountain climbers

are a great way to improve your cardiovascular health and stamina. To perform mountain climbers, get into a plank position with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and directly under your shoulders. Your body should be straight from head to toe, then lift one leg off the floor and bring it towards your chest.

Bicep curls with a water bottle or towel

are a great way to strengthen your biceps and forearms. To perform this exercise, hold a water bottle or towel in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly curl one arm up towards your chest while keeping your elbow close to the side of your body, then lower back down slowly until both arms are fully extended. Repeat 10 times for each arm.

Tricep dips with water bottles or towels

 are an excellent way to strengthen your triceps. To perform this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and grab two water bottles or towels in each hand. Slowly lower yourself down until your arms are fully extended above you and parallel to the floor. Then slowly push back up, keeping your elbows close to your sides throughout the movement. 10. Pushups with water bottles or towels are a great way to strengthen your chest muscles while working on balance at the same time. For this exercise, place two

 Although these exercises are simple and straightforward, they'll help you shape your body. You'll look slimmer and your muscles will show, especially your abs and thighs! Give them a try to see the difference.

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